Sebuah essay, gambaran seorang anak.

Saya begitu terharu membaca essay yang ditulis anak saya untuk sekolahnya. Saya ingin berbagi krn ungkapan pemikiran dan perasaannya pasti mewakili anak2 lainnya.
How grateful they are for having us.

Grow Great
Expository Text - Exhibit
August 2009

On April 20, 1993, in Vancouver, Canada, I took my first breath in the world. In the next 16 years, I walked, laughed, cried and was exposed to various influences which have shaped my characteristics, values, attitudes and beliefs. At first I thought the task of analysing and writing about one’s self seemed like a daunting and slightly intimidating task, but as I looked into myself I soon realised that these influences were the fundamental nutrients for my growth; as depicted in the exhibition. That is why I chose a growing plant to symbolise myself; many of my characteristics are still developing, and I still have a long way to grow until I reach my full potential. I could never imagine what kind of person I would have become without these ideologies – and that’s when I also realised how important these influences were to my life.

My parents have provided most of my fundamental characteristics and attitudes. Throughout my life, I have spent most of my time with my mother. She was raised in an affectionate environment, surrounded by modesty, love, forgiveness and understanding. My mother sacrificed countless things including her career to raise my brothers and I, and as a result I have subconsciously inherited most of her personality, including her magnanimity, compassion and positive outlook on life. My father has also contributed significantly to my values and attitudes. he grew up learning to earn things through hard work, perseverance and frugality. As such, the only way he could enter certain schools and university were through scholarships, and as a result he spent most of his time studying and learning. He moved from Indonesia to Canada in order to earn his PhD. Through my father’s background when he was young to the present time, I learnt discipline and that it does not matter where you come from, the quality of schooling you receive or how you were raised— if you set your mind to something you can achieve it. Certain influenced characteristics are labelled on the roots of the plant below the ground level. The sizes of the roots where my attributes have been labelled signify the strength of that particular trait. My parents are also depicted in the photo with the plant growing from it and the plant has intentionally been placed to grow closer to my mother as compared to my father. This is because my mother has influenced me slightly more than my father. In the end though, the photo of my parents was placed at the centre of the plant not only because both my parents provided the roots and strong establishment for the growth of my characteristics, but also because from their influenced stems other major impacts, like religion.

Religion has made a profound impact on my life. I am a Muslim and I follow Islam’s teachings closely and try to my best to follow its rules. Unlike many representations of my religion in the media; which I can say are downright opposite and wrong to the fundamental principles of Islam, Islam is a way of life –a way of peace, well-being, compassion, tolerance and freedom of speech. I learnt never to discriminate, as religion has taught me that all genders, cultures, classes and races are equal. There are rules that govern virtually every aspect of life, from marriages to permitted food to career choices. As a result of the teachings of the religion, I try to dispel tension and slander between people and always keep a smile on. Islam is also entirely opposed to terrorism and acts of violence, condemning those who do so. I have absolutely rejected many of the erroneous media representations of my religion, knowing that many of those who wrongly represent Islam in the media do things for their own personal interests and are nothing but ignorant, fanatical people who are completely estranged from the religion’s morality and teachings. The leaves that have withered away connote the rejected beliefs of violence and false representations of Islam in the media. I have placed various verses from our Holy Book, the Qur’an, in the soil of my exhibit to support my stance, representing them as the fertile ground for my growth that has come from Islam. The rich dark brown colour of the soil also connotes how exuberant the soil is with natural minerals. With something that has impacted in such a way to my attitudes and beliefs, I have learnt to see the world in a different light.

The strong effects of school have also influenced my characteristics and views. Every year for more than 10 years I have been to school 200 out of 365 days. In the 6 hours I spend in school every day, I have learnt about various subjects and topics, achieved essential skills for the real world and sharpened my socialising and interactive skills by communicating with other adults and teenagers. By going to school, I am in a state of constant development—I have learnt to open my mind to the beliefs and values of other people, and my brain is continuously cultured in terms of knowledge and experience. As a result, the most vital aspect school has probably provided for me would most likely be the door to education and therefore the potential for university and a career. With school also comes friends— many of my current friends are linked to schools I have been to before, and hence without school I would not have these friends. Although they are not as influential as my family in terms of attitudes and beliefs, the impact of interacting and laughing with my friends has improved my well-being and self-esteem significantly. I am consequently able to act more cheerful towards people and smile more often; valuing the gift of life. In my exhibit school is symbolised as nutrients for my development, promoting my growth, labelled above ground level. Some nutrients have larger labels to indicate how significant those were to my life. In 10 years time I am confident that I will be able to look back towards school and smile at the positive impact it had on my attitudes and characteristics.

In the start of my life I was but a seed growing blindly in the unknown, but with my parents—roots; religion—soil and school—nutrients, I am now a plant well on my way to bearing fruits and flowers. There are various silences I have chosen not to mention, either because they are too personal or simply because of the impending word limit. I am happy with the influences and impacts I have experienced throughout my life though, and hopefully many years from now my mother would be able to face me and with a smile and satisfaction of sacrificing countless things for my growth, say: “Reza, you’ve grown into a great man”— and at the moment and for a very long time, that’s all that matters.

By:Linda Sundari/Anak-anakku

Magic Moments


It's nice
It's cool
It's fun
It's better than sex
It's The "...Magic Moment..."

To be continued....

By:Handika Nugraha/Realita

Seputar Ekspresi'11

Gagah: ketua angkatan yg mau aja di suruh2, paling sabar, dewasa, apeu bgt orngnya tp baik suka ngasih uang kalo sy abis duit hahahah (di rmhnya bnyk mkanan), selalu ada buat t'ah, selalu ngasih solusi tepat

Indry: si medan csku hahahah rekan ngomongin si mano, di pngglnya oink, tp skrng mah di pngglnya bu desi hahahahah slalu ada wktu buat t'ah, pelit, idungnya seksi hahahahah

Imey: ini mah csku, kaya guci (guci cina), sy pribadi pngglnya si konghucu, matanya sipit tp suka ngaku2 belo (ga bgt ya?) hahahah, suka bnyk pulsa aja, yg sering ngsmsin anak2 kumpul, yg paling telat di t'ah ckckck

Rey: yg ini mah orngnya apeu bgt jgn di tanya lg, apeunya no 1 di t'ah hahhahah

Mega: badannya persegi 4, selalu dpt peran binal atau yg galak2, riweuh, kalo ketawa ga prnah di kontrol, lebaynya meeeeeen edan bgt. hahahahah

Nike: suka joget2 ga jelas pdhl gerakannya itu2 aja hahahahah (peace!) enak di ajak curhat, care bgt orngnya, suka nyekek ga puguh2 :s

Dimas: apeu sebenenya mah hahahaha, suka ngomongin pacarnya kiwkiw hahahahah, tiba2 dtg suka riweuh, dan suka blg ga punya duit

Aleets: rame bgt orangnya, cinta t'ah, enak di ajak curhat soal pacar dan selalu jitu hahahahah, betah jadi produksi, kadang sy suka numpang ol, ceritanya suka rame2 hahahahah

Auny Arin: hip hop abis, mau tanya soal hip hop tanya aja sama dia.

Mata: bru aktifnya skrng lagi euy! dan jadi sering ngumpul gtu loh hahahahah

kalo saya gmna tah?
(Gagah comment!)Chun2 itu, baik, rada kekanak-kanakan, kocak, pundungan, tapi peduli bgt ma yg namanya t'ah... dri yg sya liat, kyknya chun2 itu yg pling bnyk masalah... hehehe!

Cuman kalian aja yg bner2 Ekspresi'11, ayooooo kita bangkitkan T'Ah kembali!

By:Farany Zelbiandhani Saberie/Ekspresi

Menjadi sebuah kenangan

Suatu ketika di saat aku benar-benar terjatuh di keadaan yang pahit
aku bisa nemuin sesuatu yang baru
sesuatu yang indah dan benar-benar indah
Tadinya aku pikirkan hanya sebuah impian yang takan terwujud
tenyata bintang jatuh menghampiriku

Aku menemukan sahabat yang terbaik
banyak kenangan indah yang kita jalani
mereka yang bikin aku bangkit di saat aku jatuh

Mereka selalu ada!

aku menemukan seseorang yang terbaik dari yang lalu.

seseorang yang bisa menutupi kekurangan
menjadi suatu kelebihan

sekarang semua itu hanya kenangan

Andai aja aku punya mesin waktu
pengen banget balik ke masa itu
(kangen Garnish yang duluu)

By:Nike Andriany/Ekspresi

when coldplay not just sing for our fun. they teach u learn!

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Tears stream down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

fix you-coldplay

kita emang gak pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi sama kita, gak sedikit juga hal yg udah terjadi terus menyisakan penyesalan buat kita. apa yang terjadi dan apa yang dirasa salah bukan berarti disebabkan oleh orang lain. Rasanya gak bijaksana klo kita menyalahkan orang lain untuk hal-hal yg salah dalam hidup kita. Ini mungkin beberapa dari banyak kesalahan saya. tapi saya berusaha tidak menyalahkan diri sendiri apalagi orang lain. seperti lirik fix you-coldplay,

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Semua orang mungkin pernah merasakan moment ini. Termasuk saya. Ketika kita udah berusaha se-mampu kita tapi ternyata hasilnya bukan seperti yg kita harapkan. Ketika kita mendapatkan sesuatu yang ternyata bukan itu yang kita butuhkan. Ketika kita merasa lelah tapi tetap aja kita gak bisa tidur lelap karena pikiran itu terus-terus terpikirkan gak mau pergi bahkan kebawa mimpi. Kita terjebak di rutinitas yang itu-itu aja. Dan ketika kita menangis karena kita merasa ”useless”, kita kecewa karena meninggalkan hal yang tidak bisa diulang. Saya merasakan itu. Rasanya selalu ingin menyalahkan lingkungan. Menyalahkan apa yang bukan berasal dari diri kita. Tapi toh hal itu juga gak akan membebaskan kita dari rasa yang buruk ini. Rasa gak bahagia ini.
Tapi alhamdulillah seseorang yang saya sayangi memberikan saya lagu ini. Walaupun pada saat dia memberikannya bukan untuk alasan ini. Tapi ketika saya mendengarkannya terus dan terus. Lagu ini seperti membawa saya pada satu keyakinan bahwa kata-kata / lirik lagu ini adalah apa yang dikatakan Tuhan kepada umatnya. ”fix you”

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Setiap kita merasa ter-bawah. Ter-rendah. Kalah. Takut. Salah. Gagal. Kecewa. Drop. Merasa hal yg paling buruk entah apa itu. Sepertinya Tuhan bilang, bahwa Dia ada. Dia serupa cahaya, membimbingmu pulang. Menyalakan tulang dan harapan kita. Selalu akan membereskan masalah kita. Menormalkan kita. Mengembalikan semangat kita. Menyembuhkan kita. Dan ketika kita berhasil menghadapinya, kita tentu akan berfikir lebih jernih dan mengambil hikmah.
Bahwa kita tidak akan pernah tau rasanya / pelajarannya kalau kita tidak mencobanya. Seperti Mario Teguh bilang, kita akan merasa berhasil jika kita pernah merasakan gagal. Maka coba-gagal-coba-gagal-coba-gagal-evaluasi. dan ketika dalam evaluasi kegagalan kita disebabkan hal yg tidak membahagiakan pada diri kita sehingga kamu merasa berat melakukannya karena itu bukan yg kamu mau, maka ganti dan pindahkan tujuan kamu pada hal yang kamu mau. Itu adalah efektif waktu (=mengejar apa yang benar-benar menjadi tujuan hidup kita).

I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Saya akan terus mencoba belajar dari kegagalan. Akan selalu mencari positif things dari apa-apa yang saya hadapi. Maka biarkan lah saya gagal, dan belajar dari kegagalan saya nantinya karena saya yakin Tuhan akan menyembuhkan saya.

By:Ipit Fitriasari Dewi/Reinkarnasi

knit knit and a nitwit #2

second project:
Awalnya mau bikin tas sambil belajar motif baru. tapi kekecilan, akhirnya jadi tempat rokok.

By:Amelia Lestari/Transisi

A Nice Acquaintance in the Sky

A nice acquaintance happened in my flight to Pontianak last Monday, September 27th. I just finished my ESQ training in Balikpapan for the last 3 freakin’ days (that’s a whole another note to tell). I just happened to sit beside a couple of foreigner, elderly (I think he was around 67) named Peter Glen Mayland and his wife (I forgot to asked her name). He’s a retired psychiatrist from Redwood Valey, California. They’re heading to small village named Sukadana, Kabupaten Ketapang (a 6 hrs boat trip from Pontianak to Ketapang and another 3 hrs of driving). After the meal came we started to chat. Maybe after seeing my new book Brisingr (yipee!). And these amazing stories just flew out, about the US election, politics, social economics, health, books, culture, the war, global warming, family, and life. All in a 1 hour flight to Pontianak

First of all, as I said before, Peter’s a stay at home psychiatrist where his wife runs the office. He has two children (twins, boy and girl), all grown up, all doctors, and they’ll soon to be grandparents. Hopefully this year. So they’re heading to Sukadana to help the local clinic there, named ASRI, a non profit clinic where the local villagers get almost costless medication as long as they don’t do irresponsible logging in the area. The clinic founder is a friend of their daughter. She had this dream once, when she was still in medschool, that she opened a free clinic on that village, and after earning her degree, she went there with her husband (who coincidently is a Botanist) and open her free-clinic, well almost free, because in the end they feel that in order for the people not take the medical attention for granted, they should pay something in return I think it’s about Rp. 1000 - 5000.

Back to Peter. He and his wife wanted to travel to Indonesia again (they’ve traveled here before, in 2002, where they backpacked from Bali, Java, and Sumatra), so they e-mailed their daughter’s friend and said they wanted to visit Kalimantan. And in the end, they wanted to help the clinic all that they can. And here they are. They’re staying for about 2 months, when I asked about the voting next week, they said they already vote (in the early voting), and they voted for Obama (thank god). I got a pretty good insights about the US from him. In summary:

1. Health, it’s still a major issue there, where Medicaid (for the poor) and Medicare (for the elderly) most of the time is not helping the patients. Where doctors and patients have little say in the care they get, where insurance companies is in control most of the time.

2. Politics, it’s like the novel/movie All The Kings Men. It’s still is.

3. Obama, he does represents change, not a big change in the system, but a change of view. Opening a whole new chapter in American history.

4. Family values, he said he envies people in Indonesia where people really connects with their family despite the economic situation. Although it’s been good, he misses their children sometimes, although they’re 6 hours away. He once saw a shanty town in Jakarta, where the people are really living beyond poor conditions, but still have the happy faces dan family bond.

He said that back home he’s currently advising a family, 5 caucasian siblings (so much for the hippocratic oath). There’s a lot of violence in the family. The son shot his father. The daughter stabbed her husband. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg! (he said, “Well, it’s nice though, knowing my job is secure. Americans are crazy!”)

5. Economy, it’s a mess. It’s devastating him to see his children still struggling despite they’re doctors. Where their student loan is still a huge burden for them.

6. Global warming. He said that in the Vietnam war, when he served as a medical officer in the states, on a mission to the arctic, he saw endless horizon of solid ice. Back then you can see the first ice 5 miles away from the port. Now it could take 10 miles to see the first ice. Freaky.

So at one point in our conversation he asked me “What are your goals and dreams?” Damn psychiatrist. Well, I told him the truth, that I’m still searching for that one true goal (I’m still 25, man!) Hopefully, Godwilling, I’ll find it. In hearing my answer. He said:

“My dream was to travel the word, luckily I had the chance after I retired some years ago, and we’re still on it. And my goal has always been about my family. Luckily I managed to raise a nice, warm family. And I hope you can to.” I thought, Whoa. That’s deep. Simple, yet deep.

Then comes another question: “Sorry, Are you married?”. Damn you psychiatrist! Kenapa mister, mo jodohin? Huaduh. Let’s leave that question hanging, for now.

Well, our flight landed atlast on Supadio Airport, Pontianak. Seeing the green tropic trees, lit up Peter’s smile almost instanty. It’s been memorable having this acquaintance with him (more memorable than the ESQ thing). Hopefully I’ll meet him and his wife again next week in Ketapang. It’s been a nice acquaintance.

By:Purboyo Imam Rahajoe/Realita

Senyuman dari masa lalu

Senyum itu menghias anganku
entah mengapa
hiasan itu seolah ada dalam nyata
dan tak pernah kulupa
lalu kubalas senyum itu...
entah mengapa,
ketika dua puluh tiga tahun berlalu

senyum itu serasa ada dihadapanku
setiap hari....datang dari masa lalu...
diantara teralis jendela model nako yang aneh
di sekolah untuk para remaja tanggung
karena tak berani sekadar menyapa untuk
berbicara biasa saja
hanya terdiam menantikan sapaan darimu
namun tak kunjung tiba karena wajahmu
hanya dihiasi senyuman tanpa kata
hingga terhenti karena memang masanya
kau pergi ke tempat yang tak begitu jauh
entah mengapa...
senyum yang menghiasi wajahmu
seolah berkutat untuk hadir selama itu..
dalam angan seorang remaja tanggung sampai dewasa tanggung

entah mengapa senyum itu menawanku..

Bandung, 9 November 2009

By : Fahmi Farhan Akbar/Magis

Melody Friendly Project:Story of silence

a homely space
shelter for gliders
what peculiar taste
depart like no others

a comfort station
glance casting back
dark swift intuition
arrive like jet-black

is it true?
yes. a scar
is it true?
yes. a char

By;Meity Fitriani/Metamorphosis

Melody Friendly Project: Hey Hey (Ms. Friendly)

It’s the witching hour
here i’m frosted
alongside my might
adrift in a merriment

its like pausing the game
all silvery sensation
unsteady but easy
fly fly mermaid queen

hey hey
all of a sudden
i think i miss you

hey hey
an instant moment
i feel i feel you

sip the coffee
adore the trilogy
you say nothing
but a sweet thing

By:Meity Fitriani/Metamorphosis

Melody Friendly Project : Diversi

malam gradasi biru
menari tabuh irama
rotasi sayap mu
menghirup palsu nuansa

angan terpejam mata
berbisik lantunan suara
ooh sejuk tak bernada
seiring disini bersama

kupetik namun tiada mati
ilustrasi jalan lukisan hati
sensasi magis penuh inspirasi
menyanyi dua cahaya sesi

ooh hari ini lepas kendali
dan esok berlayar kembali
hey nona baik hati
aku pergi sampai nanti

By:Meity Fitriani/Metamorphosis

Melody Friendly Project : Mimpi Venesia

melodi lembut rahasia
tersiul angin apa kau dengarkan
embun hilang tidak terasa
kejutan manis penuh kenangan

ramai menyaksikan lari
menghilang dan seketika
di pesta menari nari
dibalik layar terukir indah

oh wahai kau sinaran
sembunyikan cerminan
senyum dan bernarasi
kurasakan bisa menjadi

orang paling bahagia (bahagia sedunia)
dalam mimpi venezia

By:Meity Fitriani/Metamorphosis

Melody Friendly Project : Memento

when hell freezes over
so stealthy and happy
when you take shelter
so complete and lovely

she plays masquerade
over and over hold sway
she grows devastate
what a sunny day

be merry
by now, im the parody

be happy
bye now, im off duty

dwelling through my mind / reversing time momentarily
picking fruits of thought ripened by a tree of memory
see, im strolling down a bumpy road of intuition
intensify my vision by opinions that were risen
and yes, as I indulge on this sweetest escape
my clock remains to tick / and my fate is at stake
im thinking, crossing that bridge was the biggest mistake
but observations are obscured by original fakes
and its been, a long road filled with blessedness and sorrow
no room for regrets, embrace a beautiful tomorrow
as I creep forward, I try to keep sober
intoxicated by dilemma bending mind’s corners
maybe / one day we will reunite by fate
as for / right now I need to go opposite ways
and when you / think of me let the melody flow
im leaving with a kiss, a smile, and this memento …

its been a ride, I gotta go follow my intuition
the sun is brighter on the other side of the horizon

Kukumpulkan perlahan, gambar demi gambar, kenangan demi kenangan, potongan demi potongan.. Tanda kehidupan yang hadir kemanapun mata menatap.. bukti hati yang telah terkoyak..

Laju kereta sore ini sedikit lebih lambat, kalah berpacu dengan gerakan awan, kalah berlomba dengan arus darah dan gemetar dada.

Bertemuku dengan diam, sepi yang menggelitik nurani, membangkitkan arwah-arwah kegelisahan..

Imaji cinta terpancar melalui lampu kota, dipantulkan air hitam sungai-sungai yang malang melintang di kota Amsterdam. Merah, Biru, Hijau.
Selesai semua sandiwara untuk sementara, berjalan bebas tanpa beban di angan. Melantun nada tanpa paksa.

Kuhujat diri, jiwa penuh kepura-puraan. Mengapa harus berpisah? Melenggang elok meninggalkan cerita, Sebuah kenangan untuknya yang jauh di dalam hati tetap kucinta. Mengesampingkan fakta ku tak pernah ada dalam lembar hidupnya. Pendaman rasa yang ada, nyatakah?

Bagiku iya.

Walau kaki masih tetap melangkah berbeda arah. Menelusuri langit yang beda, inilah awal cerita kita.. Kutiupkan pelukku yang terhangat, ciumku yang terdalam, melalui balkon panorama.. Sebuah kenangan hanya untuknya..

Yang tak pernah tau aku ada,

Yang tak pernah tau rasa itu ada..

By:Meity Fitriani/Metamorphosis

Hidup saya bukan tali mati

Lama terdiam saya lalu tertawa,
bodoh.. begitu rumitnya saya berpikir
sampai terlupa
bahwa kadang semuanya sederhana

tali yang melilit rumit berputar tersimpul mati
sangat mudah untuk diuraikan

terkadang Dia hanya ingin melihat kita mencari solusi
dan saya sudah berhasil
pun menyadari

tali yang sudah tersimpul mati sana sini
bisa dilepas dengan mudah
apabila usaha mengurai telah gagal
pilihan terakhir pun menjadi solusi

raih sebuah benda tajam,
saya memilih gunting atau pisau
lalu potong sekehendak hati
maka tali itu tidak lagi tersimpul mati

hidup adalah cara kita mencari solusi
apapun tali yang berputar membatasi ruang gerak
bisa dilepas tanpa terkecuali

tapi hati-hati..karena terkadang,
tali itu menjadi hilang dan tak utuh lagi
jadi ingat, hati-hati
jangan sampai hidup kita yang diibaratkan sebagai tali

by:Meity Fitriani/Metamorphosis